
Lego Robotics Camps


In this camp, student teams use the Lego Mindstorms EV3 robotics kit, a sophisticated suite of building pieces, motors, sensors, a programmable computer and a custom-built software for programming. These kits are used in the First Lego League, as well as countless robotics groups, competitions and schools around the world to teach robotics to children of all ages and experience. 


Camp Breakdown


Day 1: Intro to Building and Programming

Students will build the TRACK3R tank robot and learn the basics of the course software by programming their robot to travel through a maze.

Days 2-3: Advanced Building and Programming

Teams will build a more advanced robot from the large selection of robots available. They learn to program loops and switches to refine the control capabilities of their robots. BK Bots' instructors can also guide students to use Lego Discovery or Laboratory books to gain a deeper understanding of the capabilities of their Lego Mindstorms kit. We also teach advanced motor and sensor controls, flow control, custom block creation and other topics.

Days 4-5: Prepare for and Enter the Robo-Battle

Students begin building their final robot. All teams will use the same base and add their own custom modifications to wreak havoc in the arena. All final building, programming and testing is completed by the last day and the (non-competitive) Grand Battle of the Robots begins at high noon. May the best robot remain standing!

Friends and family! Join us at 1:00pm on the final day to witness the action and take end of class photos.

Lunch is provided everyday!



Time and Location

Weekly classes run July 11 - Sept 2

9:00am - 2:00pm at the Mathnasium of Park Slope

361 5th Ave, Brooklyn 11215


Click here to register!